Dongguan Nancheng Ping An Insurance-Automobile Insurance Power sales offer promised to give gifts to the premium but did not give it. How can I change my interests?

3 thoughts on “Dongguan Nancheng Ping An Insurance-Automobile Insurance Power sales offer promised to give gifts to the premium but did not give it. How can I change my interests?”

  1. Directly call 95511 to transfer the complaint key. People who complain about this work number. Just talk about the situation. Don't be entangled with this person. After a complaint, someone will contact you to discuss. Essence Wait for the phone. Essence If you really don't understand, then complain a few more times. Essence As long as this person tells you the gift, you can use 95511 to call you. Not the other 8 -digit or mobile phone, it is guaranteed to be effective. Otherwise, you can only recognize it. How to complain is useless. At most, it was a bad attitude to punish the salesperson.

  2. Playing 95511 complaints directly, the electricity sales are called call recording. It is possible that your premiums are really no gift gifts, but if the seats are promised to give gifts to customers, the complaint is definitely established. There is also a gift promised during the quotation period. Don't take it seriously, because the price is not necessarily accurate at that time, and the words of the seats are ambiguous. The promise given to you in the later seat is true

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