How to Use Video Games for Stress Relief

Video games can be a powerful tool for stress relief, offering an escape from the pressures of daily life and providing a fun and engaging way to unwind. Here are some tips on how to use video games effectively for stress relief.

Choose Relaxing Games

Not all games are created equal when it comes to stress relief. Opt for games that have a calming effect, such as puzzle games, simulation games, or games with peaceful environments. Games like "Stardew Valley," "Animal Crossing," and "Tetris" are known for their relaxing qualities.

Set Time Limits

While gaming can be a great way to de-stress, it's important to set time limits to avoid excessive gaming. Decide on a reasonable amount of time for your gaming sessions and stick to it. This will help ensure that gaming remains a healthy and effective stress-relief activity.

Use Games as a Reward

Incorporate gaming into your routine as a reward for completing tasks or meeting goals. This can help you maintain a balance between work and leisure, making your gaming sessions more enjoyable and stress-relieving.

Play with Friends

Playing games with friends can enhance the stress-relieving benefits of gaming. Multiplayer games or online co-op games provide social interaction and a sense of camaraderie, which can be especially comforting during stressful times.

Focus on the Experience, Not the Outcome

When playing games for stress relief, focus on the experience rather than the outcome. Enjoy the process of playing, exploring, and experiencing the game without worrying about achieving high scores or completing objectives. This mindset can help reduce stress and increase enjoyment.

Practice Mindful Gaming

Mindful gaming involves being fully present and engaged while playing. Take notice of the game's visuals, sounds, and mechanics, and immerse yourself in the experience. This mindfulness approach can help you relax and find peace in the virtual world.

Use Gaming as a Break

Use gaming as a break from your daily routine or stressful situations. A short gaming session can provide a mental break, helping you return to your tasks with a refreshed and relaxed mindset.


Video games can be an effective tool for stress relief when used mindfully and in moderation. By choosing relaxing games, setting time limits, playing with friends, focusing on the experience, practicing mindful gaming, and using gaming as a break, you can enjoy the benefits of gaming without adding to your stress. And for those looking to explore the world of stress-relieving games further, ATAS offers a platform to discover a wide range of games and resources. Visit ATAS to learn more about how to use video games for stress relief and find the perfect games to help you unwind.

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